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NAFEM 2013 Golden Nuggets To Consider
If you couldn’t make it to the NAFEM 2013 in Orlando this year, we felt it important enough to present some key themes and presentations that came out of that Trade Show. Main Auction Services is concerned about your growth for 2013, and we believe that these few points listed below will help you and your business in the coming year.
NAFEM, is certainly more than just a trade show if you are not familiar with this organization. The North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) is a trade association of more than 560 foodservice equipment and supplies manufacturers that provide products for food preparation, cooking, food storage and table service. Programs and services provided by NAFEM to its members include:
- The NAFEM Show
- Certified Foodservice Professional (CFSP) designation
- Industry Information & Resource
- The NAFEM Showplace
If you are not a member, you may want to consider it as a place to go to receive the lastest and greatest across the board in our industry. An overview of what took place last month is credible to all of us and Main Auction Services believes that you have every opportunity to succeed by understanding what is going on in the industry we support, as well as keeping up with the education the industry provides. The result: Key Growth For Your Business
Key Factors That Will Influence Your Business In 2013:
Experience - On the customer side. Everyone in food service both commercial and non commercial are striving to provide their customers with a restaurant quality experience. Regardless of the venue, from the breakfast café in a small town, to the 5 star fine dining location. It begins with food quality, service during their dining, décor, and then migrates to food equipment selection, food service preparation, restaurant layout and in some cases ongoing community support. This is especially true for college and university campuses, sports arenas, and the like.
Non-commercial operators are partnering more with regional restaurants from within communities to bring the cuisine to their facilities by invitation. Activities that promote this type of association are becoming very popular. Pre game activities, after parties, member dining, school affiliation parties, and private and fraternity and sorority mixers and events to name a few. By inviting players, cheerleaders, teams and coaches on a regular basis throughout the various seasons, you level your income throughout the year and maintain a steady traffic base of new clients to dine in your establishment later. Let Main Auction Services help you consider this years changes, additions, and possible lay out changes for the maximum dining experience for all your guests. Now is the time to plan to grow.
Made From Scratch Cooking – Never before has cooking from scratch been appreciated by so many. Most of us lead such busy lives that we don’t have time to prepare that kind of meal anymore. Home cooked meals with tasty recipes enjoyed like grandmother used to fix is very popular. This renaissance experience can bring the freshest product possible to your customers, and keep them coming back.
Purchasing the food service equipment to enable preparation for these new items, and planning ahead for those purchases you will need this year may be the key to your ongoing success and help you to secure you additional customers. Sourcing local ingredients, in house butchering of meats to maximize purchasing power, and expertise in cultivation of special signature dishes in food preparation and cooking showcases your ability to provide a more personalized experience to everyone. Our qualified staff here at Main Auction Services has over 35 years experience in foodservice. Let us help you consider new ways ways to be successful. Purchasing the proper equipment throughout this year to help support your increased diners will put you ahead of the curve and ready to support that new client base.
Healthy Alternatives In Food Selections - Developing healthy meals for your client base across the board from lunch to dinner is critical to assist in continuing to grow in your community base. Menu transparency is key to let your guest know what and how you are preparing for them to consume. These new foods will impact your menu composition, menu boards with specials, food displays and prepared foods in display cabinets. QR codes are being used a one way to provide information to today’s educated consumer. Additional selections of salads, soups, asian cuisine, and easy to prepare foods will turn the heads of health conscious consumers.
Serving a balance of quality healthy food items in conjunction with your already successful menus may help to create renewed interest in your restaurant, café, or fine dining establishment. Let Main Auction Services help you develop new menus items and the food equipment you will need to support those new items on your menu. Don’t forget we have 35 years in the restaurant and food service industry. Let us help you turn the corner on setting achievable goals for the next 3 quarters.
Sustainability In Every Aspect Of Your Business - Never before has it been so important to keep your services, facilities, and sourcing sustainable. From Energy Star rated products, to local sourcing of ingredients and compostable disposables, restaurant owners and operators can no longer afford not to keep everything sustainable as best they can. Often restaurants only adopt one or two items in this area and fail to set measureable goals to grow for the future. Monitoring these goals and objectives require quantifying the results, and specifying equipment that can assist in meeting each and every goal to save energy, money, and manufacturers recommendations for planned maintenance. Cutting corners has always been easy, but Main Auction is here to help you develop plans of action assist in growth, not insure failure. By taking a look at where you want to be by the end of this year, our staff can help you evaluate each and every stage of development for food quality and purchase of additional equipment which can help you prepare for 2014 and to be able to grow in the process.
What will impact your business this year? Main Auction Services Can help you plan ahead a time and turn any challenge into a positive experience. What new services and food can you prepare for new community based offerings that will increase your top revenue growth…