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Good News For Restaurant Owners
2013 Reports Indicate Positive Sales
2013 is a going to be a great new year for foodservice based operations. Equipment will be some of your expenses this year, just because it’s the nature of our industry. Main Auction Services is here to help you define the ability to control those expenses when they happen, and help you pay attention to what really matters: Your customers & your success.
New numbers for 2013 are out! According to the National Restaurant Association (NRA), you are about to experience increased sales for the coming year. According to all the indicators, sales are going to be on the rise. This is good news if you own a restaurant, café, franchise, or national chain location here in the USA. Starting in November of 2012, reports are indicating that these increased numbers mean up to 45% of all restaurant operators will also plan a capital expenditure in the next 6 months to help to facilitate this anticipated growth in revenue.
Traffic levels indicate their strongest performances in more than 3 months, even with economic directions in a state of flux. People still eat out. For the single person, families without children or Seniors; often times its much more economical to eat out. Providing more cost effective meals to families with children, as well as single families can also help to increase your market share and keep them coming back for more.
Providing a cost effective location for food in a neighboring community is critical to the ongoing success for any restaurant. The neighborhood location can pick up new market share by altering a small number of factors in service, menu selection, and the purchase of additional restaurant equipment to meet these new anticipated needs. Espresso machines, addition of salad bars, dessert bars, daily specials, service family style, and the like, mean flexible locations inside your existing faciilites which can be accessed easily by your new customers. Special party planning, wedding and catered events could also be considered and scheduled for area designers and party planners. There are many additional income streams that may apply to your restaurant that you may not have considered before.
The Current Situation Index, which measures current trends in four industry indicators (same-store sales, traffic, labor and capital expenditures), stood at a high of 99.8 in November, and while it means the growth is standing on it’s own, these same numbers say up to 55% of restaurant operators are reporting same store sales have sales gains across the board. These gains were attributed to higher customer traffic levels, expansion, remodeling, and additional capital expenditures for equipment in the last 3 months as well as planning for the upcoming increases in the short 6 month period.
Have you considered expansion for your Café or Restaurant Equipment to facilitate growth?
Now may be the best time to anticipate this new customer increase before it happens. Whether you expand menu selections, hours of operations, or more restaurant equipment purchases, it could be the difference between new sales and loss of market share. To start your plan, be ready and anticipate increased sales right now by calling us here at Main Auction Services. Our expertise is helping you maximize your capital expenditures for equipment purchases before you need it; and then to make sure you have them already be in place when the customers show up.
Planning ahead for new menu items that will support this new customer and marketshare will help you take your company to the next level. In order for this money-saving step to truly benefit your restaurant business, foodservice operators should invest in all the benefits and consider the reasons to break out now carefully. Analysis of financial and operational costs means you may have some important decisions to make for 2013.
Main Auction Services believes you can take advantage of increased sales by analyzing your current business model in many critical areas. Accurate figures prior to the purchase of new or used restaurant equipment means implementation into your budget will be a smooth transition.
Things to Consider For 2013:
- Establish your business relationship ahead of time with our qualified staff here at Main Auction Services, so restaurant equipment purchases when they happen can result in better faster service
- Review your goals for this year and plan ahead for 2013 capital expenditures. Main Auction Services would like to help you plan ahead for what remodeling you intend to put in place that can help you grow
- Consult with Main Auction Services about factory authorized service agents in your area to stop delays in repairs of your critical ovens, refrigerators, proffers, coffee service, or other equipment failures. Sometimes it’s who you know that can make the difference in maximizing repairs and purchases
- Plan maintenance costs for existing equipment and look ahead to purchases that will be critical to be successful to your business model in the next 6 to 12 months
- Plan alternitive schedules for regular maintenance to control downtime just for the few hours you choose, means flexibility with your vendors in getting maintenance done quickly
- Planning schedules for regular maintenance means reduction in emergency service calls for key pieces of cooking equipment and lowers capital investment expenses
- Partnering with Qualified Commercial Food Equipment Service Association (CFESA) authorized service agents will save you money over time by stocking vital replacement parts necessary for repairs and knowing the equipment you have can be repaired quickly and at the best price when possible
- Remember you save energy costs by keeping your new Main Auction Services equipment regularly maintained. Keeping a longer lifespan for the equipment on top of the energy savings means you will have more money for special purchases you have wanted to buy
Spend only what you need to, plan ahead, maintain the equipment you have, and come talk to Main Auction Services about new purchases you are planning to make for 2013.
Save time and money, let us do what we do best, help you keep your eye on the taking care of your customers. If your customers are happy, you can stay focused and enjoy increased sales as your grow.
Call us today at 972-642-0513 or 713-690-1231, take advantage of our 35 years experience in the foodservice industry. Together we can make a difference.